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Seznam psů pro Erik Desschans

Je uveden/a jako vlastník u:
   BAGHEERA of the Two Fena Tervueren
   CARA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   CICERO of the Two Pes Tervueren Gris DKK: HD A2
   FREYA van de Hoge Laer Fena Tervueren Fauve
   GLIMPI of the Two Fena Tervueren
   JONATHAN of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B2
   JUBY des Trois Fleuves Fena Tervueren
   JUBY of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B
   KLEO of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD C
   KOUROS of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B
   LOBO of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   MILADY of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   NEBUKADNEZAR of the Two Pes Groenendael Černá DKK: HD B
   NEFERTITI van Bouwelhei Fena Tervueren Fauve
   NEUA of the Two Fena Groenendael Černá
   NIGHT of the Two Fena Groenendael Černá
   Oud-Sabbinge LUCA V.BIJOUX Pes Tervueren Fauve
   SERENA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   UDINE du Bois du Tót Fena Tervueren Fauve
   URANE du Bois du Tót Fena Tervueren Fauve
   URGYEN de Lligabosc Pes Groenendael Černá
   XISIS of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   ZERES of the Two Fena Tervueren
   ZERES of the Two Fena Tervueren
Je uveden/a jako dřívější vlastník u:
Seznam je prázdný
   BAGHEERA of the Two Fena Tervueren
   BEGGY of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   BLAKIE of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   BOREAS of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   BORIS of the Two at Delator Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD ua (HD A)
   BRUNA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   CARA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   CICERO of the Two Pes Tervueren Gris DKK: HD A2
   CLAUDETTE of the Two of Delator Fena Tervueren Fauve
   COHEN of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   DANCING DOLLY of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   DATCHA of the Two Fena Tervueren
   DESIRÉE of the Two Fena Tervueren
   DON-QUICHOTTE of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B
   DUNDEE of the Two at Questenberg Fena Tervueren Fauve
   ELIZAR of the Two Pes Tervueren Neuvedeno
   EMERAUDE of the Two Fena Tervueren Gris DKK: HD B
   ETAN of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   FANFARE of the Two at Niavana Pes Tervueren Fauve
   FLEUR of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   GARASKA of the Two Fena Tervueren Gris
   GLIMPI of the Two Fena Tervueren
   GLORIAN of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   GRATIA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   HANKA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD A
   JANUS of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B
   JONATHAN of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B2
   JUBY of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B
   JUPITER of the Two Pes Tervueren
   KACHINA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   KLEO of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD C
   KOUROS of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B
   KYA of the Two Fena Tervueren Gris DKK: HD A
   LIBER of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD A
   LOBO of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   LUCREZIA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   LYNGO of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   MAYA of the Two Fena Tervueren Neuvedeno
   MILADY of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   NADIR of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD A
   NARYX of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD A
   NEBUKADNEZAR of the Two Pes Groenendael Černá DKK: HD B
   NELIA of the Two Fena Groenendael Černá
   NEUA of the Two Fena Groenendael Černá
   NIGHT of the Two Fena Groenendael Černá
   NOAHM of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD C
   NOXIA of the Two Pes Tervueren Gris
   ORCA of the Two Fena Tervueren Neuvedeno
   OTHELLO of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   PASSION of the Two Fena Tervueren Gris
   PERFECT of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: OFA Exc. (odp.HD A) DLK: OFA Elbows normal (0/0)
   PERFITY of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD A
   PIRAYA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   QUISPEL of the Two Fena Groenendael Černá DKK: HD Tc (=B)
   QUORA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD A
   RHEA of the Two Fena Groenendael
   RUMINA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   RUXY of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   SERENA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   SROWAN of the Two Pes Tervueren Neuvedeno DKK: HD B
   SUNNY of the Two Pes Groenendael Černá
   TAGORÉ of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B
   THESUS of the Two Pes Groenendael Černá DKK: HD B
   THIAKIE of The Two Fena Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B
   TOSCA of the Two Fena Groenendael Černá DKK: HD A
   TRISTAN of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD A
   URD of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD ua (free) DLK: ED ua (0)
   UTOPIA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   VIKING of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B DLK: ED 0/0
   XISIS of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   YDOLE of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   YDOLE of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   YENTOS of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   YKIARA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve DKK: HD B
   YTANJA of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   YUDI of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   ZAKI of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   ZARKA of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
   ZERES of the Two Fena Tervueren
   ZOU-PROVENCE of the Two Fena Tervueren Fauve
   ZULTAN of the Two Pes Tervueren Fauve
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